
BIG DISCLAIMER: Alot of people think using spells is wrong, obviously i am indifferent to the idea or else I woud not have this portion of the site. However, the chose do try or practice any of these spells is up to! I am in no way responcible for you or anything that happens to you or the people around you! Practice at your own risk!!

Do You Love Me Spell

Go outside or to a window where you can see the Moon clearly in the sky. Close your eyes and visualize the person you desire. Say this: If you love me, let me know. By this charm, his love to show. Next time you see the person, notice any form of new behavior they exhibit. If the person seems to talk or look at you more often than usual, see this as a sign that he feels love for you. However, be careful with this spell. You must be sure he has feelings for you in the first place for the spell to succeed.


'The Warmth of Love' Spell

Briskly rub your hands together while gazing at your chush and say this charm:

"Hands of Fire, Heart of Flame.
If he feels my heat,
He must feel the same.

Quickly look at the intended and notice if he looks at his hands or appears in any way `warmed'. If so, the rest is up to you!



Soak one of your socks in rosewater. Allow it to dry, and then place it under your bed. Each night, send out the thought that you want your true love to come and see you. After a month has gone bye, burn a red candle at sunset, and think of the love you have to offer. Repeat this procedure for seven nights in a row. Soon, your love will come to you. 1



With water colors or chalk, draw or write the bad habit on a piece of paper. Immediately take it out into the rain. Let the rain dissolve and disperse the water colors or chalk. So shall your habit dissolve, cleansed by the sanctifying rain.



Spell 1: involves focusing and compressing the swirling energy of your stomach chakra and then letting it suddenly expand around you in a hard, inflexible shell. (This is mainly for road trips and such. Envision it expanding to encompass the entire car.) When that is done, visualize commanding the energy to return to you when you arrive at your destination and not to bother your consciousness until then. I find that your energy CAN be programmed...

Spell 2: spell involves using your stomach chakra once again by focusing its swirling energy into a tight ball of power and releasing it to surge outward into all parts of your body, to purge it of any and all psychic influence/vampyrism. I have noticed that the effects of this one last quite a while! Remember to separate yourself from the utilized energy so as to avoid the "drained" feeling in your stomach that will otherwise ensue. (it makes you feel like you're really hungry).

As you do either of these spells, an indicator that you are concentrating and performing your visualization adequately will be that you should feel your stomach tense involuntarily and get warmer. It will literally feel saturated with energy. Do not picture the vortex being inside your body. Picture it being about two inches out from your belly button and parallel to your stomach.


Though this bath is said to change luck, what it really does is cleanse the aura of the negativity that draws bad luck. It will also make others more accepting of your ideas, whims, and wants. Use it before employment interviews, important discussions, or before meetings with those you feel may be unresponsive.

Using a coffee filter, place 6 teaspoons of ground nutmeg in the filter cup of the coffee maker. Add one cup of water and let the tea brew. When it is cool, draw a warm bath and add the liquid.

Stay in the tub for ten minutes and totally immerse yourself six to eight times. With each immersion, think or say:

"Change of luck, come to me, As I will, so mote it be!"

Let your body dry naturally.

Protection spells and Luck Spell talken from: WitchNet